Melody TPV Patients   |   United States

Transcatheter pulmonary valve (TPV) Therapy

Patient Stories


Matt's Story

At ten months old, Matt needed open-heart surgery to treat his failing pulmonic valve. Then, just before his twelfth birthday, he started to show signs that his valve was failing again. To delay the next surgical intervention, Matt's family learned of the Melody TPV Therapy as a potential option to lengthen the time between necessary surgeries. Watch Matt McKay and his father tell their story


Miller's Story

At age 13, Miller was unable to walk a flight of stairs without resting, much less play actively with family and friends. His pulmonary valve conduit was failing and a replacement valve was needed. Hoping to avoid open-heart surgery as long as possible, Miller's mom searched and discovered hope in Melody TPV Therapy. Read More


Dan's Story

Dan is an active husband and father who enjoys snowboarding, martial arts and volleyball. Born with a heart condition called Tetralogy of Fallot, Dan had six open-heart surgeries by the time he was 19. After a near-death experience during the last surgery, Dan was determined to find a less invasive option to replace his failing pulmonary valve. Read More


Zoe's Story

When routine tests revealed six-year-old Zoe's pulmonary valve conduit was failing, her parents scoured the Internet for an alternative to open-heart surgery. As Zoe's condition deteriorated, she became listless and had lost her energy and enthusiasm. At age six, Zoe received Melody TPV Therapy, which delayed the need for her fourth open-heart surgery. Read More

Patient Stories

Personal stories of hope restored with Melody TPV Therapy.


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Patient Booklet

Download Melody TPV Patient Education Booklet
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It’s My Heart Book

Download “It’s My Heart Book”
(English) | (Spanish)